Safe Environment

Thank you for your willingness to work or volunteer in the Diocese of Santa Rosa.
In June 2002, the Bishops of the United States signed the Charter for Protection of Children and Young People. Aritcle 12 of this Charter requires that each diocese provide education and training for children, youth, parents, ministers, educators, volunteers and others about ways to make and maintain a safe environment for children and young people. Article 13 of the Charter requires that the diocese conduct a criminal background check on all clergy, employees and volunteers who have contact with minors.
In order to ensure compliance with the Charter and to maintain a safe environment of all young people, the Diocese of Santa Rosa requires two things. prior to beginning any work or volunteer activity. All clergy, employees and volunteers who have regular contact with children are to:
- Complete the Diocesan Safe Environment Training. Training is provided through Catholic Mutual Group at:
- Complete a criminal background check conducted via Live Scan through the California Department of Justice (DOJ). When the background check clearance is received from the DOJ, it will be noted in the database. Only at that time would an individual be cleared to work or volunteer.